Understanding Housing Policies in Los Angeles County, California

Are you looking for information on housing policies in Los Angeles County, California? Learn more about housing discrimination, affordable housing production, and other related issues.

Understanding Housing Policies in Los Angeles County, California

Are you looking for information on housing policies in Los Angeles County, California? The Disallowed Housing Units Ordinance allows qualifying non-permitted housing units in multifamily areas to meet the requirements, provided that this is the case. If you need help, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can assist with complaints about housing discrimination, poor federal homeownership, and other related issues. Additionally, you can contact a local housing counseling agency for more resources. The production of various types of housing has been encouraged by the Department of Urban Planning in recent years. This has resulted in an increase in the number of affordable units available.

The Incentive Program for Public Transportation-Oriented Communities (TOC Incentive Program) was created in accordance with Measure JJJ, a ballot initiative approved by Los Angeles residents to promote the production of affordable housing near public transportation. Los Angeles has been at the forefront of encouraging the construction of a wide range of housing types across the city and ensuring a balanced distribution of homes of all sizes. The Urban Planning Permanent Support Ordinance facilitates the production of permanent supportive housing (PSH) by establishing an application process for administrative authorization, as well as new requirements, to expedite the production of PSH units in Los Angeles.

Jada Brauner
Jada Brauner

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