Health in All Policies: Los Angeles County Public Health Initiatives

The PLACE program is a dedicated effort to promote policy change that will create healthy environments for all of Los Angeles County. The California Department of Public Health works with the Institute for Public Health and Council for Strategic Growth to implement

Health in All Policies: Los Angeles County Public Health Initiatives

The PLACE program is a dedicated effort to promote policy change that will create healthy, safe, and active environments for all of Los Angeles County. The California Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the Institute for Public Health and the Council for Strategic Growth, is part of the health task force that works to implement health-related policies throughout the state. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) is responsible for protecting the health of residents, preventing illness and injury, and promoting overall health and wellbeing. Legal residents of California who do not have health insurance through their employer or other government programs can purchase coverage through Covered California.

In an effort to reduce risky sexual behaviors among adolescents, the Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) program of LACDPH created a five-year plan based on the Community Guide's findings and recommendations. Currently, 26 local agencies in communities across the county are funded to carry out group-level health education programs that aim to reduce behaviors that increase the risk of contracting HIV. The health task force on all policies includes both the Institute of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health. This approach to health in all policies identifies how decisions made in various sectors can affect health outcomes and how better health can contribute to achieving the goals of various sectors. Los Angeles County has developed a policy framework that outlines how they plan to get more people walking, make walking safer, and support active and healthy lifestyles.

The Working Group organizes their work into action plans on various topics such as active transportation, violence prevention, greening parks and communities, healthy housing, healthy eating, and public health policies including equity in government practices. The Public Health Services department works to prevent epidemics and spread of diseases, protect against environmental hazards, prevent injuries, promote healthy behaviors, respond to disasters, help communities recover, and ensure quality and accessibility of health services across the county.

Health in All Policies

supports improving health outcomes and health equity through collaboration between public health professionals and non-traditional partners who influence social determinants of health. This approach can be tailored to meet the needs of each jurisdiction. It is an effective way to ensure that public health initiatives are implemented throughout Los Angeles County. Health in All Policies is an innovative approach that seeks to improve public health outcomes by integrating public health considerations into decision-making processes across multiple sectors.

By working together with non-traditional partners such as transportation planners, housing developers, urban planners, and community organizations, public health professionals can ensure that policies are designed with public health in mind. This approach has been successful in Los Angeles County where it has been used to reduce risky sexual behaviors among adolescents, increase access to healthcare coverage through Covered California, promote active transportation initiatives such as walking and biking paths, create green spaces for parks and communities, improve housing conditions for healthier living environments, encourage healthy eating habits through nutrition education programs, and promote equity in government practices. Health in All Policies is an effective way to ensure that public health initiatives are implemented throughout Los Angeles County. By working together with non-traditional partners such as transportation planners, housing developers, urban planners, and community organizations, public health professionals can ensure that policies are designed with public health in mind.

Jada Brauner
Jada Brauner

General pop culture fan. Evil internet nerd. Award-winning internet evangelist. Incurable twitter maven. Incurable bacon lover.